Getting Your Home Ready for the Holidays

With Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner, it’s time to get your house into tip-top shape for guests and parties! With so many things to do, getting everything done on time can be challenging. Don’t let having your windows cleaned slip through the cracks, the professionals at Tux Window Cleaning are ready to help you get your home ready for the holidays! We discuss why getting your windows cleaned by the experts is a great way to get your home ready for the holidays.

Training & Experience
Our professional window cleaning staff have the experience and knowledge to ensure your home windows are effectively cleaned. For tall and high-up windows, we have the equipment to safely clean both the interior and exterior of your windows. Our highly trained team will also make sure that your windows are spotless using the best chemicals and equipment to prevent streaks and remove hard water stains. We know what to use and what steps to take to ensure that your windows are thoroughly cleaned without using materials or techniques that could cause damage.

Save Time
Cleaning windows can be a time-consuming task, especially when there are other things that need to be done before guests arrive! By hiring a professional window cleaning service, you’ll have time to cook, shop, and do other chores around the house. Our friendly staff works quickly and efficiently to ensure that all your windows are sparkling clean. We can also apply a protective sealant that prevents the buildup of hard water stains so that they remain clean long after the job is complete.

Clean Hard-to-Reach Spaces
We don’t just go above and beyond when washing the windows in your home, we can clean hard-to-reach areas as well, such as ceiling fans and tall ledges. These areas often go uncleaned for long periods of time, which can cause a buildup of dust and increase the amount of allergens in your home. Our team will ensure these areas are thoroughly cleaned, which can improve the air quality of your home. We can also clean your vents, which can improve the environment as well as reduce the spread of irritants and other allergens. This ensures all your friends and family will be comfortable in your home—and they’ll be pleased by the cleanliness as well!

Impress your guests this holiday season and call Tux Window Cleaning in Albuquerque at (505) 888-8858 to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services! We’ll make sure your home windows are clean and sparkling just in time for all your seasonal events!